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How To Earn Money Blogging– The Expert Guide

Home - How To Earn Money Blogging– The Expert Guide
Making Money is an art, And making money online with blogging is skill + Art. Blogging is tending topic but what to blog is even more trending which is key factor for making money for blogging for beginners
Reading Time: 14 minutes
earn money blogging

A blog is a short form for ‘Weblog’. It is an online journal which includes content like text, videos, pictures, GIFs, etc. It is located on the internet, specifically on a website.

Blog creators use this platform to showcase personal opinions and thoughts to the world or a specific group of people.

When a blog is made public or accessible for anyone to see, it is typically easy to find the online address to their website via shared mediums of emails, newsletters, social media profiles or online keyword search.

Platforms such as Google Blogger, LiveJournal, WordPress, and Tumblr are blogs where the sole motive is to create, store, and manage other user’s blogs.

All blogs are mostly displayed in reverse chronological order, which means the latest one is at the top that is set by date and time of publishing.

In recent past years, blogging has taken a sudden hike because of the rise of social media.

There are several ways people Monetize blogging, we will cover all the know possible ways here, including private ads, an affiliate method, selling digital product some less known method and in the end try to answer the ultimate answer, “HOW MUCH DO BLOGGERS MAKE?”

But before that you need to understand the core of blogging.

In certain cases, people use this platform to express themselves and build relations with their viewers and readers.

It is up to the people to blog with their identities, or they also have an option to blog as anonymous.

Blogs offer people a chance to interact with the world and gain validation for their thoughts and information that they publish.

It aims to have a better understanding of the world.

With the rise of social media, interacting with people from different cultures is not impossible.

Therefore, blogs have become a very popular platform to share thoughts, opinions or simply any information, which may or may not be personal in nature.

Table of Contents

What do you need to earn money through Blogging? Earn Money Blogging ?

Before creating your blog, you have to give it a proper thought, as to what content you would be posting on your blog or which type of audience you would like to approach. Selecting a niche is very important to grow your blog and audience.

For example, if you are creating a technology-based blog then you will be attracting tech-based audience only.

People who are not interested to read about technology will not be committed to your blogs, but the ones who are interested will be back to read every new blog that you write.

Now, assuming that you have selected a niche to enter, let us bring together all the elements required for you to monetize your blog and earn some bucks.

Create a blog

If you are aiming to make some money from your blogging effort, you have to start by creating a blog on a known platform, which is popular and efficient.

One of the top trusted platforms for creating a blog is Google Blogger or WordPress. Sign up on any blogging website and get started with personalizing your blog space.

However, I recommend having your hosted blog solution.

Initially, it will take time, but in a long run, it will pay you, as a self-hosted blog solution give you more power over hosted solution.

Don’t worry about the technicality it may involve, I have written The Ultimate Guide about – How To Create A Blog Using WordPress.

Although as a new blogger, you may need to look for free method for starting a blog free, in this case, I will recommend going through “How To Create A Blog For Free“.

And once you gather enough traffic you can always upgrade to the self-hosted version of a blog.

Pro Tip: Go for Self Hosted Version 🙂

Create Valuable Content

After completing the above step, it is time for you to create some quality content to start traffic on your website.

As it is a world of competition and this business of blogging is reaching its limits, your content should be good, high standard, and unique in some way or the other.

People should like what they read and the content should always be engaging.

Make sure that your content makes sense; it is entertaining and informative, relevant, well-formatted, and offers links to send readers to your other works.

Have a look >> What Google has to say about Valuable Content.

Build Your Audience

In the personal experience of some top bloggers, building an audience is the toughest part about blogging.

Consistency is the key to success and in this case, having a consistent audience is essential.

For instance, if you are a lifestyle blogger, people will find you somehow and read your content.

The point where people will be interested in your opinion and what you have to say via your blogs. Once the work is done, you will start earning money, no matter what!

The toughest part is to gather a loyal audience for yourself and to do that your content should be remarkable.

Making Money From Blogging

Here come the fun part of blogging! Monetizing a blog is straightforward once you have a bunch of loyal followers.

A good number of visitors on your blog will definitely build your profile to earn money out of it.

However, at the beginning of your blog, it is fine not to have many followers and you need to work on your skills to increase your readership over time.

This simply means that you have to make sure that the first readers are motivated to visit your blog again.

This is the key to building a good number of audience.

The best way to build a relationship with your readers is to ask them for their email address where you can keep in touch with them and notify them whenever you publish a new blog.

Try to make the biggest mailing list to increase your audience and keep them with you on your journey.

If you have the resources, provide your readers’ with exciting offers and services or products to make them stay.

The main aim is to make them visit your blogs loyally.

Once you are there, you can refer the diagram below to see which method works best for your blog.

Which can directly help you sell services and goods.

If you are not interested to sell any kind of services and you have a decent amount of readers then the best way to hold readers is Advertisement.

If you have many visitors on your website, the advertisers will pay you to post their advertisement on your website.

This can easily be done by using Google AdSense.

It is only a matter of sometime after you register yourself with Google AdSense, they will provide you with a code to add to your website and automatically ads will be displayed on your website of those advertisers who are affiliated with Google’s advertising network.

The best thing about registering with AdSense is that different bidders from small companies to big companies are fighting to get their advertisement on your blog, and a single code will initiate that process.

The ads will look something like above, and every time there is a click on that ad, you are paid.

Google collects money from the advertisers and deposits your share in your account, every month.

This arrangement is worth because you are dealing with a reputable company who is trusted with paying its users on time.

What Are The Ways Bloggers Make Money?

Talking about different income streams of bloggers, the methods are numerous in number.

Advertising and Sponsorship

Many companies may wish to showcase their products in front of your potential audience and the best way to do that is by posting advertisements on your blog.

Mentioned below are various ways by which advertisers can incorporate their ads on your blog post:

Display Advertisements

Posting graphic ads within your blog with a proper placement on header, footer, sidebars or within the content are likely to attract clicks. Google AdSense does this in a very efficient way.

Reviews and Giveaways

Companies may provide you with their free products with or without any compensation and ask you to highlight their product on your blog for the readers to read and know about their products.

Reviewing products

Reviewing products for companies is also a very effective way of earning money.

Sponsored Posts

Companies are likely to pay you for writing about their product or mentioning it in your blog post. The more the traffic on your blog, the more people are aware of their product.

Newsletter/Videos Sponsorship

Advertising products in emails, newsletters or small video ads are a good way of spreading awareness.

Advertising is the most popular way of starting income for many bloggers.

However, these days, there are other methods of advertisement as well and because of the cutthroat competition, you require high traffic on your blogs for them to approach you.

Needless to mention, this process of advertising has to be balanced out with the readers.

A blogger has to be very careful in balancing the two in order to avoid the reader’s frustration.

Too many ads on your blog may make your website look unpleasant, which is not the agenda.

Make money, but prioritize the quality of your blogs and your relationship with the readers.

This tip will help you in the long run.

Affiliate Marketing

An affiliate marketer promotes the product or a service of someone else on their blog, page or website.

The blogger uses the affiliate link and pastes it on the blog for the readers to visit that link as a promotion of that third party product.

Whenever a reader will click on that link and purchase the product or subscribe to the service, you will receive your commission as a reward of being an affiliate marketer.

Some top Affiliate marketing programs are:

  • Genesis
  • Amazon Associates
  • BlueHost
  • Ultimate Bundles
  • Target
  • WP Engine etc.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular and easy method of earning money.

You can highlight the product name or link on your blog for the readers to know and your work is done, absolutely no hustling.

You don’t have to use that product or service yourself but you will likely receive the products anyway by those companies.

Experts suggest that you understand the concept of affiliate marketing before signing up for any company.

Digital Products

Selling digital products online is one of the easiest ways of earning some side money.

Many successful bloggers affiliate themselves with selling and promoting digital products.

These products are better than physical products as they do not require an inventory and control of any kind.

They are easy and efficient to sell with negligible risk and no overhead.

Following are some of the digital products sold by various bloggers online:

Online workshops or classes

Bloggers can teach and educate their viewers via online live streaming classes or pre-recorded videos.


Bloggers can teach their subject of expertise, share their success secrets via online courses.


EBooks are a great platform for bloggers to publish their writings and sell it at a profitable price.


Bloggers can sell memberships to their viewers which may showcase their E-courses and provide free eBooks. It is a specialized service at the blogger’s discretion.


There are many bloggers whose niche relates to photography. Bloggers may sell their clicked photographs online.


Bloggers may create their own audio clips, podcasts, and video clips related to any topic and sell it online.


For bloggers who love coding, this is your platform to develop apps and sell them online.

These are various digital products which a blogger may sell online for earning some bucks off the advertisements.

These methods are extremely effective if a blogger dedicates themselves towards their readers and the passion for work prioritizes over anything else, then he/she is on their way to becoming successful and rich as a blogger.

Physical Products

Some bloggers even start their own small business of selling physical products to earn some money under their name.

Some such examples of physical products are:

Handmade Products

If you are a maker of any kind of handicraft, you may sell it under your blogger name and promote it on your website as well.


Some bloggers become finest writers by writing on their blogs and if they write a book they may sell it to earn money out of it.

Manufactured Product

It is not a bad idea to hire a manufacturer to build what you want to sell. A premium product always has a better chance of being sold especially under a successful blogger name.

Conducting conferences, lectures or appearing in special events

If you are already famous blogger, it is likely for event managers to call you as a guest speaker or for giving a lecture on any topic or just share your motivating success story. This can pay a blogger very well.

Offering Services

If you are specialised in some field like a Financial Advisor  you can consider selling your services via your blogging.

How Much Can I Earn From Blogging?

The amount of money that you earn from blogging and AdSense depends on three factors:

Amount of traffic on your blog:

This factor is obvious to understand.

The more visitors on your blog, more clicks on the ads, and the more you are paid.

It is a simple chain of clicks and cash.

Visibility of the advertisements:

As mentioned earlier, AdSense provides the user with a code.

The code when pasted on the blog will ask for a style of advertisement (medium text, large text, images, etc.) and the placement of these ads as well.

The more appropriately they are placed, the more clicks are likely to follow.

However, it is a very delicate balance, which a user has to maintain in an order to place advertisements on the blog and not annoy the reader at the same time.

It is a very experimental process.

You will have to try repeatedly until you feel that the responses are good.

This way you can extract the most out of your blog.

The Topic of Blogs:

Apparently few topics are more important for advertisers than others.

If you are blogging on a popular topic, you will get advertisers else it may be the only thing stopping you from earning big bucks.

For instance, if your blog is about birds and there are advertisers who would wish to post their ads on a bird blog, it is your luck.

Otherwise some other popular topics are technology, lifestyle, and Hollywood.

These are the three main factors which will determine your income from AdSense through blogging.

However, the right topic and the right amount of traffic on your blog blended with high-quality content might have the potential to fill your bank account with thousands of dollars.

It is needless to say that the scope of such business today and in the future is massive, and people are starting to blog on a part-time basis as it takes time.

But once it starts earning, they leave their job to boosts the revenue through this platform, which pays quite some money.

How Much Does A Successful Blogger Can Make?

Blogging could be known as a consistent source of income, but only as long as you are consistent with your blogs.

The amount of money one earns from blogging varies vastly as it depends on many factors.

Some bloggers make millions of dollars in a year, some makeup to live a healthy lifestyle and some are still blogging empty-handed.

The question that intrigues here is not how much a blogger makes, instead how much a blogger can make for himself/herself?

What is the maximum that a successful blogger can earn?

Well, the answer to all these questions is ‘Limitless’.

There is absolutely no bar on how much a successful blogger can earn.

Virtually, the possibilities in blogging are limitless and this is the reason for its success in the first place.

Various surveys indicate the approximate amount of blogger’s earnings, but the information is not definitive in any case.

To give you some inspiration here is a story of 28-year-old girl who is making over $100,000 a month by blogging and traveling full-time.

Before you start taking out your calculator and start converting dollars into Indian Currency, one needs to understand the difference between the following before drawing to the conclusions:

Difference Between Net Income and Total Revenue

Total Revenue is a simple calculation of multiplying the cost of a unit of product or service sold by the number of units. This is the method of calculating the total revenue of a blogger.

On the other hand, Net Income is the total earnings of a blogger or the profit that s/he has earned, adjusting the cost of depreciation, taxes, interests, business expenses, etc.

Varying Circumstances Of Each Blogger

Every blogger is different and coming to a specific income depending upon some general criteria is unfair and wrong.

If a successful blogger is making her/his income by writing blogs on a specific topic, it does not mean that if you choose to write on that same topic, you will start making the same kind of money.

The income of a blogger depend on different variables and their connections with their readers. The results will definitely vary from blogger to blogger.

How Much Time Does It Take To Make Money From Blogging?

There is no definitive answer to this question.

Time duration may vary upon several factors.

Usually a new blogger may set up and adjust to the blogging world in five to six months.

This is the time; a blogger might start seeing some income.

It takes a lot of effort and time to build quality content.

The process of earning through blogs is slow, but once it nourishes, there is no looking back.

It usually takes 1 to 2 years of time to expect a full-time income through blogging, according to some successful bloggers.

There are many things to learn in the process and create content.

The creation takes time and the other time consuming is building a relationship with your niche audience.

Once, a blogger is through with these two aspects, s/he can call himself a success story.

As mentioned, blogging is a slow process that needs patience and consistency.

Only if you are dedicated enough and passionate enough to pursue this course of actions will make you successful and rich.

Take out some time from your busy schedule and dedicate yourself to this path, be patient and one day your fruit will ripe for sure.

How To Promote My Blog?

Promotion is an extremely essential part of becoming a successful blogger. It does not matter how good a blogger you are, unless you take time to promote your content in the right way to the right audience, you will never have the desired number of readers on your blog.

Following are some of the best ways to promote your content on the internet to increase your readership:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is a process to increase the quality and quantity of traffic on your website. This process increases the visibility of your website on different search engine platforms such as Google and Bing.

SEO means using certain phrases and keywords in your content so that search engine’s algorithm matches with the appropriate keywords on your blog and increase their visibility to the users.

Sometime it is advisable to hire a SEO team in your area to guide you through the SEO Process.

If you are in Mumbai, I will advice you to search for SEO company who do search engine optimization in Mumbai.

It is, however, one of the best sources of engaging traffic on your website. SEO turns more challenging because of the competition in the market. All bloggers must consider SEO to generate genuine traffic on their blogs.

Social Media

Social Media is one of the most powerful ways of promoting your blog content on the internet.

Social Media sites that exchange the most traffic are:

Pinterest etc.
If your blog content is professional, then the most traffic may generate from platforms like LinkedIn and Google+.

Similarly, if your content is visual and artistic it is more likely to be shared on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

It depends on the target audience where they are most likely to expect your blog content.

There are several Social Media Management tools available on the internet responsible for sharing your blog link or content over your linked social media accounts.

Blogging platforms such as WordPress contain various plugins that allow the blogger to share their blogs directly on your linked social media platforms with a simple click of a button.

A social sharing plugin will make your promotional job very easy and efficient.

However, some bloggers refrain from using infinite plugins as it opens the blog to virus attacks and most importantly slows down the blog for your use.

Thus, limit your plugins to the best ones only.

Social Sharing Plugin is one of them.

Paid Advertising

Paid Advertising is another beneficial option for you to promote your blog content. As the name suggests, it is paid for.

The blogger simply has to subscribe to the paid advertising option on social media platforms and share the content.

This process is very efficient as now the social media management is responsible to promote your content on their platform, sharing your link, and your profile with the same.

Some of these platforms can turn your blog into a reader’s destination and increase traffic significantly.

Targeting your niche audience has never been so easy and effortless via these platforms:

Once you have successfully developed your reader fan base, maintain those relations so that they visit again whenever you post a new blog


Blogging can turn your hobbies into a money-making machine if everything goes as planned.

Diversification is the key when it comes to making money via blogging.

Use as many income streams as possible to generate an indirect source of income.

The bloggers should never compromise with the content in terms of quantity and quality.

The primary source of income is your blog, so increase your readership, and build relations with your readers.

Do not stop side-line blogging after becoming successful, as it is the home where your trusted readers can reach you.

One should always remember that there is no right way of blogging.

Each blogger is different and uses different variables to build them from the ground up.

Find your combination and no one can stop you from being successful in this field.

Successful bloggers do not copy other bloggers for their content; it is about originality and authenticity of the content.

Being patient with your blogs is the only way of becoming successful and rich blogger.

“Determination, consistency, and patience are the keys to becoming successful in any money-making business, let alone Blogging.”

If you have a high traffic WordPress website I will also recommend our WordPress Hosting Service, which hosted in Cloud India and designed specifically keeping WordPress In Mind.

Feel free to leave feedback and any query you may have? I will be happy to help you.

Picture of Shashi kant Pandidhar

Shashi kant Pandidhar

I’ve been helping businesses to be online for over 15 years. Today my team and I, focus on helping real businesses to overcome real-life challenges and analyse data in a way that can help businesses grow in the right direction of this digital age.

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