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I guess I do not require to explain what the ‘LinkedIn’ is but I am sure ‘Pulse’ would have grabbed your sight and attention here! So, let me tell you something about the Pulse in my today’s talk.

Initially Pulse was designed for Apple IPad in 2010 as a tool of writing, later its Android, IPhone and IPad versions was made available for users. In 2012, its web version was launched and that was the revolution.  Not wasting time in its history let me tell the important fact for that I am writing this blog post today! In 2013, well-known professional network-LinkedIn purchased the Pulse from Alphonso lab and integrated with its (LinkedIn) portal.

You may find plenty of writing and blogging online tools to express your ideas, views and happenings, but it was the smart move of LinkedIn to retain their users by offering a blogging tool within LinkedIn for allowing users to blogging without swapping site! It’s a boon for them who are born to write for their profession and having blogging platform in professional network like LinkedIn is feather on the hat! If you are unaware of writing posts through pulse in LinkedIn, this is the post will help you understand how to use pulse! Just know about publishing on LinkedIn to widen your audience and promote your content further, it is more than status update! It would be great chance to step into blogging no matter if you have not blogged till the date.

How to use linkedin pulse ?

First of when you go to LinkedIn home page you can see options to share your thought or pictures as shown in following figure.

linkedin pulse

You may see three options on portal; i) Share an update, ii) Upload a photo and iii) Publish a post and the last option is what will connect you with integrated pulse page to write and publish a systematic post. Just click the option to go beyond status updates. What will happen when you click Publish a post? See the following figure:

how to use linkedin pulse unnamed (83)

Figure explains the interface of LinkedIn pulse writer; number 1 is the section from where you can upload a photo that bring meaning to your post and it will give a silent voice that would explain what is the post about to your pulse readers, number 2 is the section where you will give a Headline of your story (the title of your post) and the third one pointing the options to delete your drafted post, to save or to publish your post to go live and make available to readers for reading. When you scroll down the page you will have post composition area where you will type and format your content. Here is the figure for your help.

As shown in figure, put your cursor inside the compose box and start writing or paste the content if already you have drafted. Pulse offers you options to link your external content, insert images within your post as well as you can You can add media from YouTube, SlideShare, Vimeo, Ted, Livestream, or Getty images by including their <embed> through embed option. When you done, do not forget to add tags (section given below compose box) to your post so that people can find easily when they search through certain keywords! You can do it later as well when you click publish button. Remember you can add 3 tags only, so choose your tags wisely to reach maximum readers!

Publishing Post


I hope you had enough understanding now about what is LinkedIn Pulse and why it made for as well as how to get started to create your own pulse posts. Now it is time to go live! Yes I mean to know the steps how to make your post available to your readers for reading? Simply save your post and click on button named publish. Have you got the following dialog box?

unnamed (84)

Congratulations! You have written a post through LinkedIn Pulse! You can see our post live. If you found some corrections after publishing, do not worry, simply click on Edit post (above post heading), make changes and re-publish it. You can see share buttons at the end of the post that allows your readers to share within their network. Isn’t it easy way to write smartly and reach many networks!

I hope today’s post would be helpful to you to start using LinkedIn Pulse. Best of Luck. Take care.

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